Temporary profile Error
Posted by on 26 September 2014 04:16 PM

Steps for solution

1. Rename the temporary profile from registry

Start your computer and login with temp profile
Click on START and then type RUN in search box and then click on RUN from found results, then you will get a RUN BOX.
Type a command in run box “regedit” and hit enter or click on OK, then you will appear a registry edition
Please locate the following path in registry editor and rename two keys (as per shown below screenshot)

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion
You will get the similar keys under “profile list”, however one key may shows as end with “.bak”
“.bak” is a your original profile Example: “SID-1213428093-345618312-2235-148770.bak”
“Without .Bak” is a your current temp profile (which currently logged on with this profile) 
You have to Rename both entries
Rename the key “Without .Bak“, rename it and put “.temp” in the end

Rename the key with “.Bak“, rename it and remove “.bak” from the end

  • That’s it, Now click on start and click on log off
  • After log off, restart the computer once.
  • After restart it will automatically get your old (original) profile


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